This site is dedicated to helping
people with various neurological
disorders live their life to the fullest. I intend to share what I have learned in over 17 years experience of providing Physical Therapy to good people including my observations of our successes and failures together. It is based in part upon what my patients and their care partners have shared with me about their life outside my gymnasium and in part on the research of my fellow professionals. It is by no means the final say in all care and is not intended to replace an ongoing relationship with your doctors or local therapists.
people with various neurological
disorders live their life to the fullest. I intend to share what I have learned in over 17 years experience of providing Physical Therapy to good people including my observations of our successes and failures together. It is based in part upon what my patients and their care partners have shared with me about their life outside my gymnasium and in part on the research of my fellow professionals. It is by no means the final say in all care and is not intended to replace an ongoing relationship with your doctors or local therapists.